Sunday, August 5, 2007

Willing to obey God even in the tough times

This morning we emotionally struggled to make it to Sunday School and church. Although we do not know for sure if Tristan has Trisomy 18 or some other kind of genetic disorder, we do have reason from our doctor to be concerned, so our hearts are just broken. All I really wanted to do this morning was stay in bed and cry, but I knew that no matter how much I was hurting I needed to get up and go, after all, maybe the Lord had something we needed to hear today. You won't believe what our Sunday School lesson was on - Genesis 22:1-18, the story of Abraham and Isaac. God went to Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his only son on an altar. Abraham made all of the necessary preparations, took Isaac to the altar and bound him, but God stopped him and provided the ram as a substitute. The point here is, Abraham did what God asked him to, he obeyed God. Although we do not have a choice like Abraham did, we do have a choice in our obedience to God. We can either chose to willingly give Tristan to God or we can choose to fight Him, be resentful towards Him, and live in anger towards God for the rest of our lives. Like Abraham, we want to give Tristan willingly to God, we want to trust in His love and in His plan, even though we do not understand why this is happening. Abraham's trust, his faith and his obedience in God was so great! He was willing to obey God even in the tough times and even when the future was uncertain. This is exactly where we are today. We don't know what the sonogram will show on August 15th, but we do know that we will trust in God through it all. Please pray that we will have the obedience, the strength and the love for God like Abraham had. Then, verse 16-17 says: "... because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants ..."

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