After a long day yesterday we had Yvette's mom and my mom spend the night at the hospital with hopes of once again getting some much needed rest. Our moms left at 10:00 am this morning because Yvette had an easier night and Tristan had no more episodes or problems. Yvette is still very weak and anemic, her blood pressure is still high and she has developed some fluid in her lungs. We had originally planned to go home today but due to all of Yvette's complications the doctors will not release her until she is completely stable. Because we have had several rough days all of our family members felt it was best for them to stay home and let us have some "peace and quiet". It was a very peaceful day with no additional complications for Yvette but after Tristan's jaundice test results were received at 1:00 pm the neonatalogist informed us that he needed to spend 24 hours (straight) under the Billi-lights. We completely understand the reason for this, however, this became VERY DEVASTATING news to Yvette in that she has been unable to hold Tristan much since he was born on Tuesday due to of her own complications and because she had set several goals for herself last night: (1)be able to have the strength to get out of bed for the first time since Monday, (2) be able to get off oxygen (3)be able to pass the inhaler incentive test, (4) be able to eat solid foods (5) be able to walk to the couch (6) and most importantly, be able to hold Tristan all day!!!! After the neonatalogist understood Yvette's disappointment she allowed her to hold him twice that day, although this was not what Yvette had originally hoped for, it was better than not holding him at all. We were really hoping to go home first thing in the morning but now we will have to wait until the jaundice test is administered at 6:00 am, and results received at 8:00 am, to determine Tristan's levels before he could be released and Yvette will have to pass several tests in regard to her lungs, kidneys, blood pressure, etc. before she could be released. Please pray for us this evening as this has all been emotionally hard for Yvette, in that we were emotionally prepared for anything that Tristan would bring us, but we never really considered Yvette having any complications because she's had 2 previous and uneventful c-sections.
We love you all. (Written/posted by Trayc Hostetter)
Yvette and Trayc,
Please know I am praying for all of you right now. I am praying that Tristan continues to hold on and that Yvette will have LOTS of wonderful time to hold him. I am praying that her body will make a complete recovery after these first few rough days. We love you both!
Thank you so much for posting pictures...what a precious little man you've got there! God is so good, as he has answered many prayers for your family! Both mom and baby are troopers and will be home in no time! WHAT A BLESSING to be able to take Tristan home for the holiday and for him to see the house so wonderfully decorated! Praying for you all as always and always love to see the daily updates! Love, Chrissy
So glad you are ALL home! Congratulations for yet another miraculous milestone in your journey!
Still praying for all of you!
Love, Tiffany
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