Trayc's mom and Grandma took the "night hours" last night. Tristan had a very restless night which meant we were all up, most of the night, trying to comfort him! His apnea monitor didn't go off but he just seemed unhappy and uncomfortable. We called the on-call Hospice nurse and they advised we give him a glycerin suppository in that his bowels might be backed up which is causing him to be uncomfortable. We did and he seems to be back to his normal little sweet self, especially after mommy held him for 4 hours. Trayc went to work for a few hours this morning and then Hospice came by to check on Tristan. She said that he was doing fine and that it was common for some babies to have bowel problems so we could give the glycerin every day, if needed. Tristan had a really good day though. The excitement for today was that we met with our photographer, Peggy McAteer, from the NILMDTS organization to look at the Christmas pictures she took here in our home last week. They were all so good and I was just so excited as I sat in her studio looking at my family of 5, I never dreamed we'd have a Christmas picture taken with the 5 of us, just another incredible miracle the Lord has given us on this journey. We will cherish these pictures forever!!!!! On the way home we stopped at the store to get a few things and guess what I did? For the first time I bought Tristan something. I know that might sound a little weird that I haven't bought anything before now but the truth is - I HAVEN'T. The desire has been there but since we found out about Tristan on August 15th I just couldn't buy anything because I was scared he'd never wear it. Since we brought Tristan home from the hospital my family has started buying things for Tristan (they knew "no gifts before he was born"). I guess I was just so excited about seeing our family pictures, so thankful for the past 15 days and feeling confident that I was finally able to buy my precious baby boy something. I rushed over to the Baby Dept. and started looking. I could have bought something really dressy but I saw this cute little Mickey Mouse outfit and knew the boys would love it, plus they have Mickey shirts so I figured Tristan needed one to match his big brothers. As promised, we celebrated Christmas tonight by listening to Christmas music and then we sat on the couch and enjoyed spending time with Trayc's grandma because she was leaving tonight. Please pray for Trayc's mom as she takes the "night hours", please pray that Tristan will have a better night sleep than last night, please pray for Tristan's continued strength and pray for us as we face another new day tomorrow.
I am so pleased to get this update... and so happy for all the time you've had with your baby.
We are SO encouraged to know that he is doing so well. Enjoy each precious moment with him, as I know you are... this will be a beautiful Christmas!
Praying for you!
Hello! I have family and friends that attend your church and they have forwarded me Tristan's blog address. WHAT A MIRACLE!! I have been following him since birth (my daughter's birthday, too!) and am amazed at his progress!! He is such the little fighter! You, your husband and other children are amazing care givers and should stand so tall at the love and comfort you give Tristan. I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 young children but before that I worked as a nurse. Your family has encouraged me to learn more about Trisomy 18. Continue to keep God first and He will supply all of your needs. I know I don't know you all personally, but my heart is filled with such pride as I read your story! Your family rocks!! Tristan is so lucky!!
Praise the Lord!!!! I am so glad that you were able to buy something for Tristan and that you are all enjoying his life! May God truly CONTINUE to bless you each on this journey!!! Praise God for this little angel!
Praying for you all!
Another great update. This little boy is absolutely amazing and so loved by your family. Tanner looks so proud and happy in the picture. I am sure your heart was full, letting yourself buy the outfit for Tristan. I pray that these wonderful days go on and on for you as Tristan continues to prove he is compatible with life, praise God. My heart is full for your family as you celebrate Christmas and Tristan each and every night. I celebrate with you in my heart.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
That is a great picture! You are so blessed!! Praying you have many more days with your little guy!
That's awesome! Whew . . . I am wiping the sweat off my forehead, as I got a little nervous when you didn't post yesterday. Just so you know, we are all living this with you :). My family and I prayed for you guys at the breakfast table this morning. You guys are continually in my thoughts and prayers. I am delighted you are enjoying your little one, and he is lucky to have parents that love him so much. Love in Christ, Alison Wiseman Kennedy
What a beautiful family you have. The love shines through in every picture. :)
God bless!
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