This is Natalie Emmons, a 17 year old Christian girl from Oregon. On January 29th, just 2 days after Tristan passed away, we received an email from her stating that she found our blog through another Trisomy 18 blog. She had been following Tristan's story and said that our family's testimony had touched her life and that Tristan's life was a miracle as he was in God's perfect plan. Natalie went on to explain that she was writing a speech for the National Right to Life Oratory Contest and was focusing on why abortion was wrong. She wanted to use Tristan's life as an example as to why abortion isn't an option, even if the doctors believe it would save heartache in the end.
Trayc and I talked about it, we prayed about it and then we responded a few days later. We told Natalie that, even in the midst of our present loss and grief, we would feel honored that she use our little boy's life and name to explain why abortion is wrong. Natalie wrote her speech and forwarded it to us for approval - it was incredible!
We received an email in February stating that her essay received 1st place in her local county contest and that she would be promoted to the state contest. We received an email in April stating that her essay received 1st place in the Oregon State contest which promoted her to the National Right to Life contest to be held on July 5th in Arlington, VA.
We are thankful for young people, like Natalie, who believe in life regardless of the diagnosis and we feel so honored that she chose our little boy's 56 DAYS to be used as an example.
Congratulations Natalie, we are so proud of you!
***Natalie and her 3 sisters have a Bluegrass Gospel band, check out their website at
WOW! What an awesome award. I love this story. What joy in the midst of a hard time.
What a beautiful testimony of God's love and perfect plan through very special children like Tristan.
Thank you for allowing your heart ache to be shared with others so that God might be glorified through it.
You are both such an example to other parents like us!
-Patty and Patrick Hull
Wow Yvette,
Tristan's beautiful 56 Days are reaching out so far and wide. What a beautiful heart in this young girl!!
Again, I want to thank you and Trayc for choosing LIFE for Tristan when the option to terminate was presented. Our God does not make mistakes and He continues to prove this with Tristan's story. And I wouldn't be surprised if Tristan takes 1st place again on July 5th:)
His life is such a testimony to God's grace and love. I love you guys and think of Tristan often. Have a wonderful day.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
Rock on, little Tristan man. :)
WOW! What an incredible honor and testimony to the importance of sweet Tristan's life. He is making such a difference in this crazy world. What a gift he certainly is! Praise God!
Love and Prayers,
Just wanted to leave a note to let you know how much your story has touched my life and continues to do so.
Also wondered if there was a way for you to post a copy of her essay on your blog.
I think it's a message that many need to see.
I hope your weekend goes well and I will be thinking about you on Sunday.
That's wonderful! I would love to read what she wrote. Is it possible for you to post it? It sounds like it's definitely something that needs to be spread among us!
I am telling you - Tristan just keeps giving to us doesn't he?? What an honor! I love hearing about young Christians taking a stand in the world.
I love you Yvette and praise God for you and Tristan every day!
I have been a long time blog follwer of Mr. Tristan and I am so proud of you and your family for being so faithful through such a difficult time. I lost a baby to Trisomy 18 as well, but mine was through termination after the diagnosis and much bleeding. They said the placenta was detaching in areas and once it detached it wouldn't reattach, and as it grew it would become a health risk to myself and that I shouldn't continue. I have two other children too that I had to factor into the terrible decision. I will always regret it and wonder about that tragic decision. I thank you for letting me have a tiny glimpse down a road I was not faithful enough to choose. I was very scared at the time, but I can definitely say that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her. I, personally, do not think abortion is wrong when it risks the mom's life, but I definitely think it is very personal. I have a lot of shame about what I chose and as we all know time does not rewind. I wish I had seen your blog before I chose. Thank you again for being such a faithful follower of our Lord and a wonderful example to all moms out there. Jenna
I'm so happy I logged on today!
My husband, David Gilchrist, is a composer who does the musical scores for independent Christian films.
He just wrapped up the music for a feature film called "Come What May" with Advent Film Group.
The main girl character is Victoria Emmons. My husband orchestrated a song that the Emmons sisters wrote.
It's definitely a small world!
I encourage you to keep an eye out for "Come What May", due out sometime this summer, and I also strongly encourage you to log onto the Advent Film Group website at to read all about the film.
You'll be glad you did!
I've been reading your blog since before Tristan's birth....
I share your story.
I would love for you to meet me and visit me on my blog.
Leanne Gilchrist in Longview
That is so awesome. It's so amazing how far his life has reached. Thank you for blessing us with your story.
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