Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Doctor's appt. - Sonogram only

This morning at 11:15 am we had a sonogram only, we do not actually meet with the doctor until Friday morning. We were so excited to see Tristan again, alive and kicking just like a normal baby, as this is something we have come to hold on to every 2 weeks. His heart rate was still very strong at 148, he has gained 1/2 lb., so he now weighs 3 1/2 lbs., his measurements are still right where they should be and he has hair, yes they saw hair (again my mom hopes for red), I've never seen hair on a sonogram, Tanner and Tayden were both bald until they were at least a year old! The sonographer voiced a bit of concern though because she saw a little fluid on the back of his head, that had built up since our last appt. 2 weeks ago, but assured us this usually happens with Trisomy 18 babies - we will have to wait until Friday to speak with the doctor for his opinion. It was hard to hear though and I did start crying a little as we left, I think it just hit me a little hard because we have had really good news every time, with no additional problems, and then all of a sudden we get news we weren't expecting. This pregnancy feels so normal, like with Tanner and Tayden, so honestly sometimes I forget the Trisomy 18 part because we are just feeling such a peace and excitement. Trayc reminded me that Tristan's heart rate has stayed strong, he has continued to grow, we knew these kind of things are a possibility, and that we are praying for the miracle of him being born alive and are told this fluid doesn't affect that. We have made it to 33 weeks!!! Please continue to pray for us as we enter these last few weeks of pregnancy, for Tristan's continued growth and weight gain, that the fluid will SLOW DOWN and that he will hang on 6 more weeks.


Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Angie's and have been blessed by reading your posts. I wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you and your family and your precious baby.

Kenzie said...

Thank you for leaving your information on the T18 website. I feel so thankful to be able to read about the journeys that other families are on now, as we are also expecting a little boy, our second, who has been diagnosed with T18. It is obviously a devastating diagnosis, but we strongly believe that the Lord has a big plan for our little Maddox, regardless of how long he makes it. Thank you for sharing your story... it has served as encouragement to remain strong and faithful to the Lord in this uncertain time. Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys!

Tim and I will be praying for you guys. My heart breaks at the thought of what you guys are experiencing. I have spilled many tears today.....but I am certain that God is already receiving glory from your strong testimony. Blessings to you and all your boys..."The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms!" Deuteronomy

I know you guys have our music.....the song "Open the Sea” was born from the loss of our first child. I miscarried early on and the message of that song is what God taught me during that very difficult time. His peace is real and beyond understanding. I pray it continues to be with you!

Amy Henning