As a family we have slowly made our way through this grieving process. Never rushing, never expecting too much from each other, never doing more than we thought we could emotionally handle and basically taking it one day at a time. Don't get me wrong, we are still grieving but in such a different way. We miss our little boy so much, his presence in our home is felt every day but the pain is not what it was 8 months ago. We have had to consciously make a decision, every day, that although we miss our little boy, we have to move forward and that is exactly what we have attempted to do the past few months.
I would like to share with you, where we have been and then share the exciting news of where we are:
Trayc and I grew up together at church. We attend a large church and there were over 300 in our youth group, we knew of each other but didn't hang around together. It wasn't until we had both graduated from high school and attended Middle School camp as counselors in August 1987 that we actually met. It was love at first sight for both of us. I was taken by his sweet charm and personality but mostly by his love for the Lord as it was so obvious. We hung around together, in a group of friends, at church until our first date on October 19, 1987. We dated for 3 years and 1 week. During those years of dating we both lived at home. On the weekends we would stay on the phone for hours (like 4, 5 and 6 hrs!) talking about being married, having our own home and having a big family. Trayc wanted 4 kids, I wanted 6 kids - 3 boys, 3 girls (can you guess what my favorite TV show was? Yes, the Brady Bunch).
I had some female problems in my early 20's. I went to the doctor and ended up having numerous tests which then required a few surgeries. The doctor revealed the results of the surgeries and then said "Unfortunately, you will never be able to have children". I will never forget that day! I left devastated. I was so upset, not only by the results but with the doctor's attitude, he was very matter of fact and gave me no kind of hope. I decided to change doctors hoping for a better response. I knew the results wouldn't change but I was just looking for some kind of direction, some kind of hope, just anything that could possibly allow me to get pregnant and be a mommy.
Trayc and I were looking at rings and talking about getting married so I had to be honest with him, I had to tell him that we would never be able to have children, our own flesh and blood. Being the wonderful guy he was, he calmly and confidently said, "Honey, it's okay we'll just adopt". He was so sweet. I appreciated his attitude, he loved me for me not the children I could or could not give him. Inside though, my heart was broken. Every hope, every dream of having a family of our own and being a mommy was gone, gone before I even said "I do".
Trayc and I were married on October 26, 1990. We knew the chances were highly unlikely that we'd get pregnant but we still tried month after month, year after year for 4 long years. I changed doctors 8 times. A friend suggested that I go to her doctor because he was a sweet Christian man. I scheduled the appt. but honestly went with no expectations. What a difference that appt. made. The doctor said there was hope as there were several kinds of infertility medications available - none of which were ever offered by the other 8 doctors. I began taking fertility medications immediately. The doctor tried every kind and with every combination possible for 6 months but I still wasn't pregnant. The doctor did not want to waste any more time on medications so he referred us to an infertility specialist.
We were excited about an appointment with the top infertility specialist in town. Again Trayc and I went to that appt. with no expectations! We sat there stunned as the doctor began telling us successful stories(most of which were multiple births) and he read statistics with the majority of women getting pregnant within 2-3 months through invitro. For the first time ever, we had a doctor say "Your case is very common, you shouldn't have any problem getting pregnant with invitro." WOW!!!!! Finally we had hope. We heard that there was a chance we could get pregnant, we could actually have a baby and hold our own flesh and blood. After 4 years of trying, 9 doctors, 1 infertility specialist, $25,000 (thanks to Trayc's mom and grandma), 2 invitro procedures, many tears and lots of prayers - we were pregnant. Tanner Alexander was born July 19, 1996. Our first miracle baby!
We attempted 9 more years to get pregnant on our own without any success. Trayc and I decided to make an appt. with the same infertility specialist again. We didn't have any more money but we knew the invitro procedure worked for Tanner and we were really hoping it would not cost as much if we went straight to the same process. That would have been great, however, we were now 9 years older (37) and our bodies had changed. They could do the same process but there would be a few more processes, which meant more money! We left the doctor's office that day resolving in our own minds that we were so thankful for the life of our son, Tanner, and we would pursue adoption down the road. Every day Tanner would ask why we didn't have a house full of kids, that he didn't want to be an only child and that he wanted lots of brothers and sisters. A few days later, Trayc woke up in the middle of the night and said, "I just thought of a way we could get the money, we could see how much equity we have in our home". The next day he rushed to the bank and we had enough. We refinanced, we got the money, went to the doctor with a check in hand and began the blood work and paperwork. On July 28th, 4 days before we were supposed to begin invitro process our doctor said that I needed to take a pregnancy test just to make sure we were not pregnant. I laughed and said, "Seriously, I really don't need to take one, I've never been pregnant on my own in 15 years. " Guess what? I was pregnant. Tayden Abbott was born March 27, 2006. Our second miracle baby!
Trayc and I decided that since we got pregnant with Tayden on our own, no medication, no invitro procedures and we were 40, we'd try again because we really wanted Tayden to have a brother/sister close in age. So we tried, 1 time on Tayden's 1st birthday and guess what? Again, we were pregnant. Tristan Asher was born December 3, 2007. Our third miracle baby!
The Lord has blessed Trayc and I with the greatest desires of our hearts, our own flesh and blood. But, as you know the hopes and dreams for our third 3rd miracle baby were not all we had hoped they would be. Our lives were shattered on August 15th as we sat in the high-risk doctor's office and heard the news that our precious little boy would be born with a very rare (1:6000) genetic disorder called Trisomy 18 which is considered "incompatible with life".
After the shock and devastation of the news wore off, Trayc and I started talking about our future, not just with Tristan, but about our desire for more children. Here we were, married for 18 years, both 40 years old, 2 boys which are 10 years apart and a baby that, barred a miracle, would not be with us very long. In September 2007 we began talking about adoption again, just as we had back when we were dating and over the course of our 18 yrs of marriage. Trayc and I talked about adoption quite often until Tristan was born on December 3, 2007. We stopped talking about it because we were still hoping and praying for a miracle. The Lord was still able to place His hand on our little boy and remove this disorder if He chose to. We also did not want to give up the hope that if our little boy was born with Trisomy 18 that he could be the long-time survivor, after all there are still miracle babies out there living with full Trisomy 18. I so desired to spend the rest of my life, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week taking care of my little boy and would have done it, if given the chance! We now know the Lord's plan was for Tristan to live for 56 DAYS and I have to trust that He knows better than me. Was Tristan still our third miracle baby? Absolutely and in so many ways. He was conceived without medication, we only tried once, he made it to full-term, he was born alive, he made it to our home, we shared Tristan's 1st Christmas and best of all --- we prayed for 1 day and the Lord blessed us with 56 DAYS.
Our desire for more children is greater than it's ever been. Our minds are open, our hearts and open and our home is open. We believe the Lord has brought adoption back to both of our hearts. In March, I mentioned to Trayc that I would like to start considering adoption again but that I didn't want to say anything to anyone or make a decision either way until we both felt like the Lord was clearly leading us in that direction and not that we were just trying to fill the void we were feeling from Tristan's loss. So, I made my very first call to a friend in our church that had just adopted 2 little girls, sisters. My friend was so sweet. We talked for 2 hours, she explained their process, how precious their girls were, how they had adjusted, that they were a perfect fit in their family and that their other 3 girls instantly accepted them. It was so good for me to talk to her because honestly, I did not know anyone that has ever been adopted or adopted a baby/child. This was as new to me as Tristan's T-18 diagnosis and again I found myself researching the Internet for answers. However, it was wonderful to actually know someone who had just been through this process. My sweet friend gave me the names/numbers of people within the foster care system that helped them through the process so after we hung up I began making numerous phone calls. We were told it could take 6-9 months to get through the process. We began the process on April 9th, received our Adoption license on June 26th and our Foster-to-Adopt license on July 9th - both processes completed in 3 months.
We would like to adopt 2 sisters (between the ages of 3-8 yrs old). As everyone knows, I want little girls soooo bad. I long to go to ballet lessons, have pretend tea parties, play with Barbies, play dress up, have Disney princess' stuff everywhere, buy fancy dresses for church, brush long hair and learn how to put in hair bows. Just typing these words literally brings tears of excitement rolling down my face.
Our family is filled with excitement and anticipation as we wait for our little girls! And Tanner, well let's just say that he is ecstatic!!!! Oh how this brings joy to our hearts. The moment Tristan passed away he was crying so hard and begging "Mommy, please please have another baby or let's adopt please! I want a whole house full of brothers and sisters!" As I held Tristan in one arm, I held Tanner's face in the other and said, "Look at me Tanner, mommy promises we will not end on Tristan okay? We will have more children." My heart was not only breaking for the loss of Tristan but for Tanner. Tanner's little heart went through so much this past year and he was in, by far, the most difficult moment he will probably ever face in his life - his baby brother had just taken his last breath. Trayc and I have made him a huge part of this process. It has been sweet hearing him pray every day for our girls and ask every time the phone rings "Mommy, was that a call about some girls?".
Would you please join us today in praying for our future children, the ones the Lord will bring home to us? We do not know who they are or when they will come but He does and His timing is always perfect. We are specifically praying that the Lord would protect them, guard their little minds and hearts until they walk through the door of our home. We are praying for them daily just as we did for all 3 of our boys.
A very special THANK YOU to the following people that helped us through this process: Tamara B., Sandra S., Linda A., Eileen C., Dennis M., FSS employees, JG, Melissa B., Gidgett G., Michelle Mc., the 10 couples we met at CFC, Jami T., my and Trayc's family members' that have prayed/supported/encouraged us, and my sweet Internet friends that walked the Trisomy 18 road with me and are now walking this road with me.
Psalm 127:3-5
3 Behold, children are a
heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is
His reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of
a warrior,
So are the children of one's
5 Happy is the man who has
his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their
enemies in the gate.
Yvette, we have been following your story since Dr. Brunson first introduced your sweet family to our church back in late 2007. I want you to know that we will most certainly be praying for your future children! Thank you for being so open and honest about your story. As a couple struggling to have a child, it means more to us than you will ever know. You and your family are a reminder to us that miracles CAN and DO happen.
Luke 1:36-37
hi! i am praying for you and your family-past, present, and future....
Wow! We have so much in common. But just a different way we are doing things. Our baby Micah was taken without warning Jan 12, 08, By March we had all the paper work for adoption done, and were starting the home study and the classes. We too were expecting it to take 6 to 9 months for certification, not 3. Unlike you, it was too quick. We have put things on hold. I am now struggling with if we should have more children (birth or adopted).
We will pray for your daughters, their safety, health, and transition (along with the birth mother). We will also pray that everything works out without any snags. Praying for the whole family.
What an incredible story the Lord is writing in your life! He will be just as faithful to bring you the children that were meant to be a part of your forever family as He has to bring your three sons home. Psalm 127:1 is true. It is the Lord who builds the house. I love how He's building yours. And I'm thrilled to talk to Him about it all the time. :)
Hi, I'm a relatively new reader here. I can't remember if I have commented here before. But I just wanted to tell you, girls are so much fun! My boys were 10 and 8 when I had my daughter and they have just ADORED her ever since. It is so much fun to do the girl stuff, as you can imagine!
So I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping everything goes smoothly and you get your little girls soon!
Oh I adore your sons... and I can't wait to meet your daughters! I think you and your husband are wonderful parents and I hope my son grows up to have the heart that Tanner has at such a young age! Remembering your lives in prayer tonight! I am so glad you shared this with us.
Oh my, I am in tears as I read this. I am praying for a hedge of protection around your girls and for thier birth family. God has the perfect two girls out there for you and Trayc to be Mommy and Daddy to and Tanner and Tayden to be big brothers. We already know what kid of big brother Tanner will be because of his tender heart and the time he has spent with Tayden and Tristan. We have insight that Tayden is also going to be a wonderful big brother by how he was with Tristan. I pray that your two girls will be close and age like you and Kim are and grow up to be best friends like the two of you. Your sweet family has been heavy on my heart lately and I will continue to pray for your family of "7". I have started a blog and put a link to yours, hope you don't mind.
Praying with you today for the precious girls that God will bring into your home. May He watch over and protect them now and safely bring them to you at the right time.
Hugs and prayers
Rachel in PA
Hi Yvette,
What a beautiful post, full of HOPE. I will be praying for the Sisters you are waiting for. God already knows who they are and how much they need you and Trayc for parents, and the best big brother ever, Tanner. I didn't get "my girl" until my granddaughter Hannah was born the same day as Tristan. I am having so much fun buying the girlie things.:)
I love you Yvette, and am praying that once again, God meets the desires of your heart. "A Full Quiver". A family of Seven. I am honored to walk this journey again with you and pray for you and your future children. I am so excited for you and for what God is doing in the lives of all you girls I so fondly feel are my daughters. Be blessed today.
Love, Laurie in Ca.
I have been following you for a long while. I just don't think I have ever commented. Just wanted to let you know I am praying.
You have blessed me...I would love to pray with you...
Yvette, it is such a privilege and joy to lift your family up to our Lord in prayer! Any child will be so blessed to be a part of your family! Your welcoming spirit to the Lord's blessing of children is such a beautiful thing to behold! Thank you for sharing such precious wonderful news!!! looking forward to hearing that your girls are coming home!!!! praying, jen in al
We will definately be praying for you & the girls that God will lead into your family! What exciting news!
i have been thinking about you alot lately. wondering how you and the rest of the gang are doing during this tramatic journey. continuing to pray for your family.
How exciting! I will be praying for your future family, and for the hearts of Tanner and Tayden during this time of anticipation. I'm so thankful God is continuing to bless you and Trayc with your miracle babies- however they come to your family, you know it was God who placed them there. Congratulations!
Yvette, I've never met you and I don't think I've ever posted before. I can't even remember how I first found your blog, but I've been reading it and praying for your family since shortly before Tristan's birth. Although on the surface our lives have nothing in common (I've never married, have no children and in my late 40's) you and your family's journey have been on my prayer list. So it is with great excitement that I read this news, and I can't wait for the day that you welcome 2 precious little girls into such a wonderful family. And yes, I will be praying for all of you! Congratulations!
Linda in Louisiana
Yvette, I have been following your story for quite a while, but I have never left a comment. Today I felt compelled to leave one. My husband and I went through 4 years of wanting a baby and never being able to have one. That was until God decided to bless us with a wonderful boy. He will celebrate his 8th birthday on Friday. God then chose to add 2 more to our family via my being pregnant. My husband and I have discussed adoption. We would still love to adopt. I would love to be able to bring a little one into my home who would otherwise be tossed from home to home. To make this long story short, we as a family will be praying for your family. We will be praying that God places 2 little girls who need a wonderful home that is full of love, but most importantly full of God!!! May the Lord richly Bless your family above all that you could ever ask or think!
Love, The Hagers in Flint, MI
Yvette, I live the same town as you. A friend of mine who went to school with you went on a blog reading trail that led her via comments from my blog to yours. She recognised you, and told me about it.
This same friend has a good friend who has begun an adoption ministry here in our town. I am not too familiar with the details, but I know it is a church based ministry with a goal of helping babies find christian homes.
My friend's name is Heather, she was born in South Africa like me - does that ring a bell?
Anyhow, if you want to email me for details, I could connect you with Heather or her friend.
I know Jesus has just the right children for you to adopt. I am toying with the idea of adopting too but I know the time isn't now.
I have been touched by your family. Our family will pray for your little girls. They will have the best BIG brother in the world.
Great news! I am so excited for you, your family and the very blessed little girls that will become part of your beautiful family.
Thank you again for sharing your beautiful Tristan with us all. He has become part of many, many lives. So glad that your amazing sons will become big brothers again!
I will keep you all in my prayers. Glad to have two more to pray for!!!
I "met" your family a few days before Tristan was born & I checked on him daily! I rejoiced with you each day & I wept with you on the 56th day. He was so precious & his sweet little face touched my heart more than I could ever tell you. I am so happy for your family in your decision to pursue adoption. I will be praying for you as you walk this road.
What exciting news! Thank you for sharing with your on-line readers like me.
Your family's journey of having children is so touching. your struggles and joys are inspirational for me to read.
We are also praying about adoption and was so thrilled to read you are in the process!!! I will be praying for you all as you wait.
I am also a 40 year old mom, married for 18 years to a wonderful Christian man. We have two sons 13 and 10.
(My oldest, Dylan, sounds so much like Tanner!) We went through fertility two times and lost a child during pregnancy in between our two boys. We are done with our family but, I am so glad and more than willing to pray for you all as you feel the Lord bringing daughters into your lives. It is a privelage to continue to lift you all up daily in prayer before during and after your family is "complete".
My prayers are with you all during this process. I only hope for the best for you all.
Much love,
Dear Yvette,
I am praying for the children God is planning to place with you and Trayc. I am praying for it to happen quickly too - your heart is so beautiful and precious to me and I can just hear the excitement! I loved reading your story, all the miracles lined out...it's awesome.
I love you friend, and I will always love sweet Tristan.
I love you dear friend! I spent a good amount of time praying for you and your precious family and awaited additions yesterday. You have really been on my heart and I am so thankful for the way that God continues to weave all of our stories together. You are absolutely precious and I am so inspired by your faithfulness and desire to remain always in God's will.
Thank you for sharing this part of the story with everyone as I know that you will inspire so many others. You are amazing!
I love you and hope to talk to you soon!
Love lots and praying,
I want you to know we are praying for you and for the children God intends to place in your loving home. I am so thankful for you my friend and I hope we can talk soon! I would love to hear your sweet voice!
I love you girl! (eventhough as you reminded me on Kim's blog that you don't know of the super awesome TobyMac!)
Love you and am praying,
I always enjoy reading the details of your life, ... and somehow I had forgotten that Tristan was such a gift, no "extra" assistance required. You know we will be praying for your hearts desires, for more children. Sisters for Tayden and Tanner.
Love, connie
I adopted my son from foster care last year, and he is the love of my life. Adoption is so special. I hope all your dreams come true!
I am so excited to read your adoption news! My husband and I were just finally listed to adopt a month ago and are waiting to welcome another child into our family as well! You will be in our prayers!!!!!
He never lets us down, and He ordained long ago that all this would come to pass for this family... I believe that somewhere, there are 2 little girls waiting for their Mama and Papa to come and get them. I am praying that God keeps them safe and hopeful, and that this family is reunited just as He willed it.
Please continue to keep us posted, I will be keeping your desires in my prayers,
Nilia Palhinha
Yvette-I loved reading about the testimony that God has woven into your life and your steadfast devotion to Him and His will, even in the storms. I love how He gives us the desires of our hearts, in His perfect timing. Thank you for blessing me with your story and your faithfulness to God. I will be praying for the sweet girls that God has planned for your family. Blessings, Stacy
You don't know me, but I started following your blog just a few weeks before Tristan was born. I stumbled across your blog from seeing Eliot Mooney's blog and even though I have not gone through the loss of a child, I felt led to ling to your blog from mine to educate folks about Trisomy 18 and families that made the decision to continue to carry these precious children and bring them into the world as God had intended. I think you all are some of the most amazing women ever.
I was blown away to read this post today, because where we do have something in common is in our heart for adoption. My husband and I also have two beautiful biological children and 18 months ago we added a beautiful little girl from China. She has been the a little light to our family and I feel as fiercely connected to her as I do my other two children. Welcome to the adoption family. I will be praying for you and your husband and your boys as you await this wonderful addition to your family.
God bless!
I began reading your blog in January when my mom introduced me to it. She's a member of FBC and has spoken with your mother on several occasions, I believe. Anyway, I wanted to tell you how much of an example of a godly woman you have been to me. With all the unimaginable pain that you have experienced, your faith to the Lord has remained strong. And now you and your family are about to add two more children and I couldn't be happier for you! How blessed you are! I so look forward to hearing about and seeing pictures of your newest family members. My thoughts and prayers will be with you!
Absolutely praying for a full house with lots of pink! Your story is amazing and your strength and reliance on God speaks volumes to all who hear your story. I can't wait to read all about the little princesses. There are so many blessings ahead for your family. How exciting!
God bless,
Yvette and Family - I'm praying! I'm so excited for you all and cannot wait to see what little miracles God has in store for you. Thank you for the update and I can't wait to hear more!
P.S. I'm stunned by how much your boys have grown. They are so handsome! Tanner is just so mature and I know he'll make such a wonderful big brother for the girls. (future boyfriends beware!)
What an amazing story. I love to see how God works in others lives. I will be praying that God will fill your house with the laughter and squeals of two little girls!! My niece and nephew are both adopted (one through the foster program and one through a very amazing young girl who put her daughter's needs before hers). Your son is a precious little guy and I hope his wish for siblings is filled soon.
We have been blessed with three beautiful children through adoption, with two more waiting for us in Haiti as we make our way through the adoption process there. I pray that your family will be blessed beyond measure in this way as well. May God guide and protect you each step of the way to your future children.
I just ended up at your site somehow . . . Your story has touched my heart, oh how you must miss your sweet Tristan. I am praying for you that the path to your girls will be clear. We have 2 bio. kids and 2 adopted - I was consumed with the thought of my children while in the adoption process - God's way of guiding us I believe because we are so DONE now :)
Big hugs from Australia,
Just found your blog yesterday, (October 9,2008) and am still working my way through it. I'm almost to Tristan being born.
I am wondering if there is any update on the adoption issue. I will definetly be praying.
I also wanted you to know that I will be putting your link on my blog at www.mommymeepa.blogspot.com
Take care,
I started reading your blog yesterday at entry #1. I'm almost done. I have been very touched.
I want you to know that I have joined TEAM TRIsomy with Michael Hennessy (ironmanforkids.com) and a few others and we will be doing all our races in the name of Trisomy awareness. I have already met some amazing people along the way and my Trisomy awareness Journey just started at the beginning of Sept. when I met Michael at an Ironman race he was racing. To be honest I had never even heard of Trisomy before meeting him, but my heart has been touched.
I would love to email you, but cannot find your email address. If you visit my blog and click on my profile my email address is there.
Please send Tanner and Tayden my love. They are special boys and I think so highly of them. You have done a wonderful job raising all three of your boys. You are such an example to me and have encouraged me to live each to the fullest because you do not know what each day will bring. Thank you for that reminder.
Take care and God Bless,
Found you through TXKlamms site.
I have a friend who's triplets were born prematurely, but one of them had Tris.18. He passed away shortly after birth, being that he was just soooo small.
She always writes about how she's struggling with the loss. It just reminded me, while i was reading your story.
If you are interested in checking her page out it's: www.hummelnest.blogspot.com
Your family is simply beautiful. God Bless!
I love you guys so much and am so thrilled to see how God is working. Anything you ever need, let me know..
thinking of you and sweet Tristan today! Love you friend,
Remembering you and your sweet Tristan today!
Thinking of you and praying for you today.
Happy Birthday sweet Tristan. I know my girl is celebrating with you. Thinking of you and praying for your sweet Mommy!
Dearest Yvette,
Just checking in and praying all is well. I know you are very, very busy these days. Please know prayers continue for your beautiful, growing family.
Praying that "no news is good news"!
I just read this post and I want to tell you that I am praying for your family for each battle you face and for sweet, wonderful, and lovely little girls to be placed in your home. I know God has a big plan for your family and he loves you very much. You have had so much answered prayer. God Bless,
How are you? It's been a while...
Still praying...Jenny
Wow! You have had a long hard road to motherhood and I can see how you've savored it every step of the way. I'm also a mom in waiting, I just celebrated the 19 months mark of having my paperwork in China. I'm looking forward to reading your family's continuing journey and will pray for you all. I began following your blog about half way through Tristan's life so I've been *with* you for some time now. I've also followed Poppy's family's story, and they've also welcomed another daughter through the miracle of adoption.
Praying that you are still doing well!
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