Friday, July 18, 2008

my LARGE shirt

LifeWay's Outrigger Island logo

This has been a very busy and exciting week, our church had Vacation Bible School for the 3 yr old through 5th graders. We had a lot of kids, the average was about 1,200 per day and the 1st-5th graders collected a daily offering, for a local children's mission field within our church, which exceeded $2,000. I worked in the 5th grade department so I could be with Tanner all week - we had so much fun! We started off every morning with a main assembly for 1st-5th graders, where the kids would say all 3 pledges, sing songs, listen to a missions story, pray and then we divided into grade levels and had Bible class, Craft class and Recreation. I just love working with kids this age and teaching them about the Lord, this world has not really gotten a hold of them yet so they listen with open hearts and open minds.

This year the VBS theme was "Outriggers Island". The kids learned how to know, speak and live God's truth-aloha style. Based on Psalm 86:11, Outrigger Island is more than a tropical paradise. It's the place where kids develop the stability they need to face a world of shifting sands and wavering opinions.

The teachers were given lime green shirts to wear all week. On Monday, as I was getting dressed for VBS and pulled my medium shirt over my head, I instantly recalled getting ready last year ........

........... my shirt was a LARGE!!!! I was 4 months pregnant with Tristan and we did not know he had Trisomy 18. I was so excited, so happy, full of laughter and proudly wore my large shirt that covered my big belly. I took my niece and nephew every morning to VBS, as soon as my sister would drop them off my niece would say, "Aunt Yvette is Tristan kicking?". They loved rubbing my belly, feeling him kick and couldn't wait to have another cousin to play with. I miss those days.

This week has brought a lot of memories of being pregnant with Tristan. I miss the days I wore LARGE shirts, my big belly and feeling him kick, but even more so I miss the 56 DAYS we had, just loving and holding my precious little boy!

Oh Tristan, mommy misses you so much!

(VBS verse) Psalm 86:11 says: "Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name."


Laurie in Ca. said...

Hi Yvette,

I had a feeling you were busy this past week and now I know why. What a wonderful turn out of kids each day. I know they are learning things now that will stay with them in their hearts for a lifetime. I am with you Yvette, I fell in love with Tristan and the 56 wonderful days of updates and celebrations. I miss him too and I can only imagine your heart these days. I continue to pray for you, knowing this giant of a little man will always tug at your heart. I know he still tugs at mine. Asking the Lord to pour out so many blessings on you and your family each and every day. I love you.

Laurie in Ca.
PS. You are a good secret keeper!!
Chrissy's news, how awesome:)

boltefamily said...

Thinking of you and praying for you sweet friend!

I miss you!


Emily said...

VBS was a bittersweet time for me, too. Miller Grace was born during VBS time here, so seeing all those familiar faces that are leisurely hanging around the church lobby allowed for more time to run into people I normally do not see. That, as you know, can be either good or bad, and we had a little of both. I know what you mean about being so thankful to teach children the Word... and yet still aching because of His Will. We wouldn't trade a minute though, would we? And someday soon, Heaven is going to put this world - even in its VBS glory - to shame. :)

So Blessed said...

How beautifully you walk in His truth...and what a shining light you are for Him.

Marianne said...

I've never met you, but feel that I would know you anywhere. I commented often during your sweet 56 days with Tristan, but have not commented since then. I want you to know that I still keep you close to my heart and pray for you often. I loved going with you to meet all the Trisomy 18 moms. Couldn't read any of your blogs without heartache and heart healing. Precious story, precious women, wonderful Savior.

VBS sounds like it was a blast. 1200 kids. WOW!!! They will never forget.

God bless you and yours.

Alanna said...

Hello. I just happened across your blog tonight and have been engrossed reading about precious Tristan and the face-to-face you had with your "internet" friends. When I was 3, my little brother Charlie passed away after ten days. He also had Trisomy 18. Although, I don't really remember little Charlie - reading about your Tristan has been special. Thank you for sharing your story.

Jeanie said...

And this year I was one of the last to get my VBS shirt...they gave me a 2XL! Girl, it was a hoot trying to get that thing looking more like a shirt and less like a dress!
Hugs to you and your boys.
I was thinking about you yesterday and your sweet Tristan. The new Pottery Barn Kids catalog has a room decorated for "TRISTAN" with his name in big letters on the wall. I just love that! Even though I never got a chance to meet your sweet boy I feel like I know him because I see the love you have for him!