Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Deeper Still: A Divine Appointment Indeed

Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment on my entry titled "Face-to-Face". I still cannot find the words to express how much the Atlanta trip meant to me. It was just so comforting and healing being with 7 other girls who completely understand everything I am feeling. We share a bond that cannot be broken by time nor distance. The only thing that's different now is that we all really miss each other and can't wait to be together again!

Since posting about our trip I have received numerous emails from people simply saying thank you for sharing our story and our journey. Oh, my hope has always been that other girls who are facing a diagnosis like Trisomy 18 or any other prenatal diagnosis will reach out to others that are going through the same thing or that have already walked this road. This journey has been lightened since I reached out to these sweet girls last Fall and I cannot imagine this journey without them.

After returning from our trip, one of the girls, Emily (Miller Grace's mom), was given an amazing opportunity by LifeWay to share her story of our Atlanta/Deeper Still trip which was posted today on the Deeper Still Blog (Beth Moore).

A very special THANK YOU to Michelle Hicks, LifeWay Rep., for praying for us over these past few months, for praying with us at DS, for giving us the incredible opportunity to meet Beth Moore backstage and for allowing the story of our babies to be shared through the DS blog!

Please click on the link below to read Emily's story: